Friday, August 5, 2011

:: do not worry

This is my absolute favorite bible verse,
and it looks like I'm not alone...this artwork is by Cory Say 
Now I have to find out how to get this in print.

From my very first experience doing a bible study, and really reading the bible for that matter, this verse has always been near & dear to my heart. I even wrote it in calligraphy on a little piece of paper and kept it as a bookmark in my bible. I was so lucky to have someone with a strong spiritual life to introduce me to Christ and his teachings...that was about 16 years ago, and that person was my now Sister in Law.
She is the most beautiful person inside and out, and has always had a faith that I've admired.

If only we could always remember to live like this, our lives would be full of so much more peace. I guess that's what I love so much about it, it gives me peace. I've always been such a worrier, but the Lord has definitely worked on my in this area because I'm no where near where I used to be.

So.....Let Go.....Let God.

* peace, love & hugs *

Monday, August 1, 2011

:: giving thanks

Hello, and welcome to my new blog 

where I praise & glorify the Lord.

Thank you Lord for this day,

and the many blessings you give.

Thank you for a beautiful mass,

and a homily that touched me

and brought tears to my eyes.

Thank you Lord for filling me 

with the Holy Spirit.

Mostly Lord,

Thank you for giving up your life for me.

I love you above all things,

click pic for link